Just days after her return to St. Marys, Darcy runs into her childhood crush. Given that she was twelve and he was nineteen at the time, it’s not surprising that he doesn’t remember her. And she’s just as happy to keep it that way. Her dreams of him coming back to find her grown up and so beautiful that he can’t help but fall instantly in love with her should have been long forgotten. All he can ever be is a reminder of how much she lost when she veered off the road to avoid an oncoming car.
Matt has spent the last five months trying to put a bad breakup behind him. When he meets Darcy, he can’t escape the feeling that he knows her. As circumstances bring them together, he finds himself drawn to this lovely woman who’s as disinterested in dating as he is. His suggestion that they hang out as friends seems like a sensible alternative, giving them the benefit of companionship without the pressure or commitment of a more serious relationship.
But does the heart truly forget? Or does it lock away those memories until the person comes along who has the key?